NovaNet is a flexible and powerful SCADA, fully developed by Novabase with a dot.net technology.
It’s a Client/Server application, with a SqlLite database. Currently it’s used by more than 1000 companies.
It’s the perfect solution when a centralized monitoring is needed. Every machinery inside the plant can be controlled from one software.
NovaNet SCADA can communicate with every type of operating panel or PLC on the market.
Many drivers allowing M2M communication have already been developed, and we can also develop custom drivers for custom devices.

Our SCADA allows a centralized visualization of every monitored machine, historicization of analog data (like temperatures), alarming via email, sms and/or Telegram. The application is made of a server side and one or more client sides. There’s also a cloud Html5 web interface (NovaNetWeb), that allows remote data consultation via mobile, tablet or pc.
NovaNet is easy to use from any device, like tablets or smartphones.
Every detail is studied in order to guarantee an easy access and use at any time.

- Client/Server platform
- custom drivers
- ModbusTcp protocol
- Windows and Web interface
- status monitoring real-time
- measurements’ recording and visualization in charts
- alarm management and recording
- alarms via sms, email, Telegram and phone call
- custom synoptic panels management